Functional Effects with ZIO

14 minute read

ZIO 1.0 is finally released after three years of active development and more than 300 contributors, so I decided to write a practical introduction to ZIO and functional effects.

In my last article, I was talking about some basic concepts related to functional programming. We already know that Java is not a good fit for purely functional programming, and there are no libraries that can help you with that, but you can use Vavr to make your codebase more functional. This style is often referenced as object-functional programming.

As a result of the extremely slow evolution of Java, we got modernized alternatives, which are also more suitable for functional programming. One of them is Kotlin with Arrow library which seems good to me, but Scala is the most popular and most mature choice for functional programming on the JVM with a few high-quality libraries. I’m recommending you to read this article if you are interested in the comparison between Scala and Kotlin.

ZIO, Cats Effect, and Monix are top three functional effects systems for Scala. Of course, a Scalaz was an inspiration for these libraries, but I feel that its popularity is declining. This article will explain what functional effects are and the benefits of using them. I will be using Scala with ZIO.

ZIO In a Nutshell

ZIO is a Scala library that provides many features for developing concurrent, parallel, asynchronous, and resources safe code in a purely functional and more straightforward way. ZIO can provide everything necessary for building any modern, highly concurrent application.

The core type in the ZIO library is called ZIO, and it has three type parameters. Here is an example of a pretty simplified model of the ZIO effect type. An actual implementation is much more complex.

final case class ZIO[-R, +E, +A](run: R => Either[E, A])

The ZIO type is just a case class that contains a function. The function takes a value of type R and produces either an error on the left-hand side or success on the right-hand side of types E and A.

Let’s see what is ZIO really about and demystify the type parameters:

  • R - Environment Type. The effect may need some dependency of type R to be executed. If this type parameter is Any, the effect has no environmental requirements.
  • E - Failure Type. The effect may fail with some value of type E. If this type parameter is Nothing, it means the effect cannot fail because there are no values of type Nothing.
  • A - Success Type. The effect may succeed with a value of type A. If this type parameter is Unit, it means the effect produces no useful information, while if it is Nothing, it means the effect runs forever (or until failure).

Type parameters explained again, through example.

val effect: ZIO[Connection, UserNotFoundError, User] = ???

We defined effect, a ZIO effect that reads something from the database. To run the effect will need Connection. It can fail with UserNotFoundErrorand succeed with User. Note that ZIO effects can fail with any subtype of Throwable or any user-defined ADT, depending on the programmer’s choice of representing failures in their applications.

Effects are workflows

Effects are immutable values, similar to Scala’s immutable types like Option, Either, Try, List, etc. Methods on these types give you a new value, the result of applying a specific operation to it. An example is mapping over Option or List, which will give you back a new Option or List. Likewise, every operation on a ZIO effect will produce a new effect resulting from a specified operation against the original effect.

An effect is a workflow that can represent a sequential, asynchronous, concurrent, or parallel computation that will allocate resources and safely free them after use. Effects are purely descriptive and lazy descriptions of workflows. Effects are composable, which means that we can combine them in numerous ways, using methods defined on them, and as a result of composition, we will get a completely new effect. Effects are used to model some common operations or sequence of operations, like database interaction, RPC calls, WebSocket connections, etc. Besides all of that, we can use effects to model failures, recovery, scheduling, resource management (allocation and deallocation), etc.

Simplified ZIO Implementation

First, let’s define a ZIO type with a few basic combinators.

final case class ZIO[-R, +E, +A](run: R => Either[E, A]) { self =>
    def map[B](f: A => B): ZIO[R, E, B] = ???

    def flatMap[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, B]
        (f: A => ZIO[R1, E1, B]): ZIO[R1, E1, B] = ???

    def zip[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, B]
        (that: ZIO[R1, E1, B]): ZIO[R1, E1, (A, B)] = ???

    def either: ZIO[R, Nothing, Either[E, A]] = ???

    def provide(r: R): ZIO[Any, E, A] = ???

    def orDie(implicit ev: E <:< Throwable): ZIO[R, Nothing, A] = ???

A few helper methods are defined in ZIO companion objects to construct effects.

object ZIO {
    def succeed[A](a: => A): ZIO[Any, Nothing, A] = ???

    def fail[E](e: => E): ZIO[Any, E, Nothing] = ???

    def effect[A](sideEffect: => A): ZIO[Any, Throwable, A] = ???

    def environment[R]: ZIO[R, Nothing, R] = ???

    def access[R, A](f: R => A): ZIO[R, Nothing, A] = ???

    def accessM[R, E, A](f: R => ZIO[R, E, A]): ZIO[R, E, A] = ???

Now, let’s implement our helper methods.

From method definition, you can see that the succeed effect that we are building doesn’t require anything, it can’t fail, and it will succeed with a value of type A.

def succeed[A](a: => A): ZIO[Any, Nothing, A] =
    ZIO(_ => Right(a))

To construct the effect, we need to use the ZIO effect constructor, which requires the function: R => Either[E, A]. Since our effect doesn’t have any environment dependencies, in a ZIO constructor, we ignore environment type and use the Right constructor to lift our value of type A into Either, which is the required output type.

def fail[E](e: => E): ZIO[Any, E, Nothing] =
    ZIO(_ => Left(e))

Similarly, the fail effect is constructed. It’s an effect that doesn’t require anything, can’t succeed, but can fail with the value of type E. So, it’s just the opposite of our succeed effect, and implementation is similar. Using the ‘ Left ‘ constructor, we are lifting our error into Either.

If you are not familiar with Either, it is a type that comes from the Scala standard library, and it represents a value of one of two possible types (a disjoint union). Instances of Either are either an instance of Left or Right, representing failure and success, respectively.

After implementing pretty simple effect constructors, we encountered the effect method, which is more interesting than the previous ones. This method captures a code that performs side effects (interaction with the file system, database, web server, etc.) and defers its execution. The problem with side-effects is that they are doing not describing, and in functional programming, we want to defer interaction with the real world as long as possible. We use by-name parameters, which means that what is in the parameter list won’t be evaluated immediately, it will be stored into something that is called a thunk, and it will be evaluated much later when the effect is executed. Thunk is a pointer to a function that executes some code, and it’s a way to make the execution of some code lazy. This technique allows us to take some side-effectful code eager and turn it into a lazy description.

def effect[A](sideEffect: => A): ZIO[Any, Throwable, A] =
    ZIO(_ => Try(sideEffect).toEither)

From the method definition, you can see that the effect method, which converts eager code to a lazy description, doesn’t require anything. As an argument, we have a piece of code that performs a side effect. Side-effect code may throw an exception, and we want to translate it into a failure value. The implementation of effect is simple: we will ignore the environment, since we don’t need any, and try to execute a thunk that is passed as a method argument and translate it into failure or success.

Here we have an environment method that builds an effect that requires R and succeeds with a value of type R. This method describes an effect that will need an R to be executed and introduce the concrete type for R.

def environment[R]: ZIO[R, Nothing, R] = 
    ZIO(r => Right(r))

access is a method that will allow us to make the environment of the type R using a provided function f and project some piece of information from that of type A.

def access[R, A](f: R => A): ZIO[R, Nothing, A] = 
    ZIO(r => Right(f(r)))

To implement the access method, we are going to use r, which represents our environment, feed that r into our function f to get A and lift that result into Either, using Right constructor, since this effect can’t fail.

The final method in our companion object is accessM, which represents an effectful version of the access method. You noticed the M suffix, which identifies an effectful version of some method. This means that any method with the suffix M will accept a function that returns effects instead of a plain value.

def accessM[R, E, A](f: R => ZIO[R, E, A]): ZIO[R, E, A] = 
    ZIO(r => f(r).run(r))

Implementation can be tricky, but try to follow the types, and there shouldn’t be any problems.

We’ve finished the implementation of methods that helps us to build a wide range of effects. The next step is to implement basic combinators for our ZIO effect type, which will allow us to combine and transform our effects.

The most common combinator in functional libraries is a map, of course. It receives a function that transforms our success value of type A to the success value of type B. So for a given function that turns A into B, we need to take the current ZIO effect and return a new ZIO effect with the success type transformed to B.

def map[B](f: A => B): ZIO[R, E, B] = 
    ZIO(r =>

After running the current ZIO effect with r, we are getting Either[E, A] as a result. Then we are mapping over Either with a given function f: A => B. The result is a new effect that can succeed with a value of type B.

The following combinator is the famous flatMap, which allows us to combine context-sensitive, sequential operations. The method definition looks scary, but it essentially receives a function that will lift the plain value of type A into a ZIO effect.

def flatMap[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, B]
    (f: A => ZIO[R1, E1, B]): ZIO[R1, E1, B] = 
        ZIO(r1 => => f(a).run(r1)))

To get ZIO[R1, E1, B], we are running the current ZIO effect with r1, which will give us Either[E, A]. Then we are flat mapping over Either to get A out of it. When we finally have a of type A, we are feeding that into our function f that will give us back ZIO[R1, E1, B]. We need Either[E1, B], so we will just run the result of our function f, since it is the ZIO effect, to get what we need.

The following combinator is zip, which combines two effects to get a new effect. It can be expressed via flatMap and map that we already implemented.

def zip[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, B](that: ZIO[R1, E1, B]): ZIO[R1, E1, (A, B)] =
    self.flatMap(a => => a -> b))

You can use the either combinator to move the error channel into the success channel in the form of the Either. We are not removing error with this combinator, and it will be just translated into a success channel.

def either: ZIO[R, Nothing, Either[E, A]] =
    ZIO(r => Right(

As our effect representing the output of either can’t fail, we are just running our current ZIO effect and lifting the result into Either using the Right constructor.

The following combinator, provide, removes the environment dependency from the current effect.

def provide(r: R): ZIO[Any, E, A] =
    ZIO(_ =>

We need to return the ZIO effect that doesn’t require an environment. So we are just running our current effect with the environment of type R given as a method argument. We have managed to do this here because we just transformed the effect that needed an R into an effect that doesn’t require anything to be executed.

The last combinator is called orDie. This strange-looking definition says that this method can be called on the effect that can fail only with some subtype of Throwable.

def orDie(implicit ev: E <:< Throwable): ZIO[R, Nothing, A] =
    ZIO(r => _, Right(_)))

This combinator removes the error parameter in the following way:

  • Effect is run with r and result will be Either[E, A]
  • After that, we are folding over Either
  • If the effect fails, it will throw an exception
  • If not, we will wrap the success value into Right

This combinator is useful when there is a possibility of fatal errors that we cannot recover from.

We implemented our primitive version of the ZIO effect type. Let’s write some simple console application that will ask the user for a name and print it out.

At World’s End

First, we need to define an effect that will print some text on the console.

def putStrLn(line: String): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit] =

The following effect that we will need is printing out the name that the user entered.

val readLine: ZIO[Any, Nothing, String] =

You noticed that we create two effects that can’t fail using the effect constructor and orDie combinator. When we have defined all the effects needed for our program, we need to combine them and finally write a function responsible for executing our final effect that represents our whole application.

val program: ZIO[Any, Throwable, Unit] =
  putStrLn("Hello, what is your name?").flatMap { _ =>
    readLine.flatMap(name => putStrLn(s"Your name is: $name"))

As we mentioned earlier, effects are just immutable values describing workflows, and they don’t do anything. In functional programming, all problems are solved using values.

Finally, we need to create a method that will take the ZIO effect type and execute it to get a plain value.

def unsafeRun[A](zio: ZIO[Any, Throwable, A]): A = _, a => a)

Our effect doesn’t require anything to run, so we pass a Unit value to the run method. We are getting Either[Throwable, A], and after folding over it, we finally have to deal with the exception. If we get an instance of Throwable, we will throw it, and if we get the success value of type A, we will return it.

Our main method will look like this:

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =

We started by defining multiple effects. After that, we combined them and ended up with one final effect. If we want to run an effect, we need to translate the description of a workflow into actual actions described using a method called unsafeRun. Usage of prefix unsafe means that this is no longer functional programming. It indicates that we are on edge between purely functional programming and procedural programming. unsafeRun function or method is not a function in the sense of functional programming since it performs a side-effect, may not be deterministic and can throw an exception if executed. Using unsafeRun represents the final step before the famous end of the (functional) world. It’s good practice to use this function as little as possible. Ideally, it would be only once.

Complete code

final case class ZIO[-R, +E, +A](run: R => Either[E, A]) { self =>
    def map[B](f: A => B): ZIO[R, E, B] =
        ZIO(r =>

    def flatMap[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, B]
        (f: A => ZIO[R1, E1, B]): ZIO[R1, E1, B] = 
        ZIO(r1 => => f(a).run(r1)))

    def zip[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, B]
        (that: ZIO[R1, E1, B]): ZIO[R1, E1, (A, B)] = 
        self.flatMap(a => => a -> b))

    def either: ZIO[R, Nothing, Either[E, A]] = 
        ZIO(r => Right(

    def provide(r: R): ZIO[Any, E, A] =
        ZIO(_ =>

    def orDie(implicit ev: E <:< Throwable): ZIO[R, Nothing, A] =
        ZIO(r => _, Right(_)))

object ZIO {
    def succeed[A](a: => A): ZIO[Any, Nothing, A] =
        ZIO(_ => Right(a))

    def fail[E](e: => E): ZIO[Any, E, Nothing] =
        ZIO(_ => Left(e))

    def effect[A](sideEffect: => A): ZIO[Any, Throwable, A] =
        ZIO(_ => Try(sideEffect).toEither)

    def environment[R]: ZIO[R, Nothing, R] =
        ZIO(r => Right(r))

    def access[R, A](f: R => A): ZIO[R, Nothing, A] =
        ZIO(r => Right(f(r)))

    def accessM[R, E, A](f: R => ZIO[R, E, A]): ZIO[R, E, A] =
        ZIO(r => f(r).run(r))

object App {
    def putStrLn(line: String): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit] =

    val readLine: ZIO[Any, Nothing, String] =

    val program: ZIO[Any, Throwable, Unit] =
        putStrLn("Hellow, what is your name?").flatMap { _ =>
            readLine.flatMap(name => putStrLn(s"Your name is: $name"))

    def unsafeRun[A](zio: ZIO[Any, Throwable, A]): A = _, a => a)

    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =


We reviewed some of the most popular options for functional programming on JVM, especially in the Scala ecosystem, since it’s the most powerful language on JVM for functional programming. After that, we introduced ZIO and explained what functional effects are by implementing a simplified version of ZIO. In some of the following blog posts, the focus will be on ZIO and solving real-world problems. If you are getting started and want to know more about ZIO, you can start reading A Brief History of ZIO.

The motivation for writing this blog post comes from Functional Effects Training by Ziverge, and I recommend it to everyone serious about learning more about functional programming and ZIO especially. ZIO community is very welcoming, so feel free to join on Discord channel if you are interested in it, or even want to start contributing.

You can find me at:

Or send me a question to


Thanks to @nathanknox for proofreading and all ZIO contributors!